Signs Your Ex Wants You Back | Get Ex Back

5 min readMar 12, 2021


Signs Your Ex Wants You Back

After a breakup, it can be hard to tell whether or not there are signs your ex wants you back. The initial period after a breakup can be confusing for both partners as emotions are whirling, so it could be difficult to notice any definite signs of love and affection. Sometimes it can extremely hard to figure out how to get your ex back.

Every person will react to a breakup differently, but it is important to keep in mind how your ex responds. During the relationship, you should have been able to notice certain phrases or personal quirks about your ex. Use these to determine whether or not these are signs your ex wants you back. There are many factors involved such as body language and behavior to accurately determine if your ex wants you back.

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5 Signs Your Ex Still Loves You:

Sign #1

Your ex tells you that his/her family misses you. Most of the time this is said when it is your ex that truly misses you. If he/she didn’t really care about the breakup or you for that matter, then why would it be important to tell you that the family misses you? Consider this as a sign to at least meet up with each other to see how the family is doing, which will most likely lead into other topics such as the breakup and feelings towards each other. Another sign would be if your ex told you that their pet just doesn’t act the same without you.

Sign #2

When you start to notice that your ex is doing things to get you alone, then consider this as an extremely important sign. Perhaps your ex is making sure your dry cleaning is getting picked up or coming by your lunch hour. This sign cannot be ignored and must be addressed quickly and appropriately, especially if you are enjoying this extra attention. If your ex is displaying this sign, get down to business as fast as you can. Next time when your ex has you alone, ask probing questions and be sure to fully listen to your ex.

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This could be the ideal time for your ex to apologize for the problems within the relationship and to let you know how they plan to fix themselves in order to contribute to a healthy relationship. During this time, do not make any plans or promises to get back together, but instead move slowly and appreciate the time the two of you are spending together.

Sign #3

Hey men! Listen up because this is definitely a sign, especially if you are wondering how to get your ex girlfriend back. If you are receiving calls from your ex about if she should do that or this or simply cannot make up her mind, then it is accurate to assume that she still cherishes your opinion, which means that she still needs you in her life. During a relationship, two partners make important decisions all the time and after a breakup, this can be challenging to deal with as some people like to have another person’s say on the matter. Consider this sign as a definite “calling out for help” and be sure to offer that help to clear the air.

Sign #4

If during the relationship, the two of you gathered common friends, then consider those friends as additional resources when figuring out if your ex still has feelings for you. Perhaps one of your friends reports back to you that your ex constantly asks how you are doing. If this information is surprising to you, then respond back to your partner yourself as having a middle person is like playing the Telephone game. You will want to make sure that the information isn’t getting mixed-up because this could lead to confusion.

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Sign #5

Probably the most evident of all signs is if your ex still acts as if the two of you are still in a relationship. Now, this is not saying that he/she still kisses or cuddles with you, but does things that a couple would normally do such as calling you by a pet name or buying you gifts. These are obvious signs your ex wants you back, especially if he/she is still doing activities the two of you shared or constantly asking you how you are doing or what you have been up to. Basically, if your ex is still doing these things, then it is time to have a heart-to-heart discussion to see how the relationship can prosper if given another shot.

Now, it is important to note that some of these signs could be taken the wrong way. Perhaps you are trying to figure out how to get your ex back and are over analyzing the things he/she does for or to you. It all boils down to how well you know your ex to accurately determine if the feelings he/she are displaying are genuine.

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But What If You Desperately Want To Get Your Ex Back?

If you are feeling confused and do not know if your ex truly wants you back, then consider reaching out to others for help. Start reading posts like these and other materials to see how it worked for others. I discovered how to get my ex back through various methods and I paid close attention to certain signs I was receiving. It can definitely be a challenge to figure out if the love between you and your partner can be revived, but just look for the signs and don’t set your expectations too high.

WOMEN: Click on the link to discover How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

MEN: Check out How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back clicking on the link

Give your luck a chance. There is nothing wrong in trying to get your ex back.

Good Luck!




I strongly believe in gaining experience and knowledge rather than just writing for the sake of creating content. Looking for more opportunities.